WAMED Festival Stallholder Applications
The WAMED team are seeking stallholders for The Grande Bazaar. We are seeking vendors selling costumes, jewellery, pamper products, craft and costuming supplies and associated products and services.
Monday the 3rd of June 2024
Loftus Recreation Centre, 99 Loftus Street Leederville
Bump in is from 9am, doors open at 11am, doors close at 3pm and bump out by 4pm.
FREE Parking and the venue.
ATTENTION APPLE USERS - Apple Devices seem
not to like the embedded form, so please access the
form here:
When your applcation is successfully submitted, you will get an automatic email confirming submission and a copy of the responses we have received. Please check your email to ensure that we received the full application, and in case if any issues, please email WAMEDFestival@gmail.com.
Thank for your interest in our event!
Once you have submitted the form above telling us about your stall, you can click the Payment Options button below to choose your options and make your payment immediately using credit card or Paypal.
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